Some further fullerenes Top Some counting problems A multi-dimensional cycle index

A multi-dimensional cycle index

Whenever a group G is acting on sets X1,..., Xn then G acts in a natural way on the disjoint union
X := ∪ i=1n Xi...
Replacing in such a situation the cycle index of G acting on X by a so-called n-dimensional cycle index we get more information about the permutation representation of G. The n-dimensional cycle index which uses for each set Xi a separate family of indeterminates xi,1,xi,2,... is given by
Zn(G,X1∪ ...∪ Xn) := (1)/(|G|)g∈ Gi=1n(∏ j=1|Xi|xi,jai,j(g)),..
where (ai,1(g),...,ai,|Xi|(g)) is the cycle type of the permutation corresponding to g acting on Xi.

Returning to the fullerene C60 the groups R and S are acting on the disjoint union of the sets of all vertices, edges, and faces. When denoting the families of indeterminates for these actions by the following symbols vi, ei, and fi we compute:

Z3(R)=(1)/(60)( 24 v512e518f12f56+ 20 v320e330f12f310+ 15 v230e12e244f216+ v160e190f132)..
Z3(S)=(1)/(2)Z3(R)+ (1)/(120)( 24 v106e109f2f103+ 20 v610e615f2f65+ 15 v14v228e18e241 f18f212+ v230e245f216)...
Using these 3-dimensional cycle indices we can compute the number of essentially different simultaneous colourings of all vertices, edges and faces with k1,k2,k3 colours by replacing each variable vi by k1, ei by k2 and so on. For k1= ...=k3 =2 the number of R-different colourings is
102 166 369 391 059 257 223 889 803 047 960 653 063 858 332 471 656 448..
whereas the number of S-different colourings is
51 083 184 695 529 628 611 945 218 457 262 717 577 369 212 017 967 104...

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