In order to minimize the number of orbits that must be enumerated or
represented, and following SLEPIAN again, we can restrict attention to
indecomposable linear -codes. Let
be a linear
-code over
with generator matrix
and let
be a linear
-code over
with generator matrix
then the code
with generator matrix
is called the direct sum of the codes and
, and it will be
denoted by
. A code
is called decomposable, if
and only if it is equivalent to a code which is the direct sum of two or more
linear codes. Otherwise it is called indecomposable.
In [13] SLEPIAN proves that every decomposable linear
-code is equivalent to a direct sum of indecomposable codes, and that
this decomposition is unique up to equivalence and order of the summands.
SLEPIAN used a generating function scheme for computing the numbers
. However after constructing these codes the
authors realized that in some situations this formula doesn't work correctly.
For that reason we are giving another formula to determine the numbers
. For the rest of this section let
and where the first sum is taken over the cycle types .
The number
is equal to
, (which means that
) such that
, while the second sum is over the
, for which
, and
. In the same way the
can be computed from the
. The numerical results show that for fixed
sequence of
is unimodal and symmetric. (It is easy to prove that
this sequence must be symmetric, but the proof of the unimodality is still
In order to evaluate the values the number of all classes of
decomposable linear
-codes must be subtracted from
. In other
words one has to find all possibilities of decomposing a linear
into a direct sum of indecomposable linear
-codes such that
According to SLEPIANs theorem the -codes can be arranged
such that
and in the case that
the inequality
holds. At first all partitions of
at least two parts and into at most
parts must be found. Let
be such a partition with
. Then the cycle type of
, where
. Two decomposable codes which
determine two different partitions of
are not equivalent. In the second
step to each partition of
one has to find all sequences
such that
is fulfilled, and such that codes belonging to
different sequences are not equivalent. In order to do this we start with
such a sequence
and define
Two decomposable codes which on the one hand belong to one partition of
but on the other hand define two different vectors
are not in
the same equivalence class. Now the other way round we start with a sequence
and try to determine all sequences
which define non equivalent codes such that
Again by SLEPIAN's theorem we must find all partitions of
(this implies
) into exacyly
parts of the form
In the last step must be evaluated. This is the the number of
classes of linear
-codes, which have a decomposition into a
direct sum of indecomposable
-codes for
to a
given partition
into exactly
parts. We already know that there are
classes of indecomposable linear
-codes. In the case
that all the
are distinct, this number is given by
Otherwise there exist such that
. Then
and permuting the corresponding summands in the
direct sum may lead to equivalent codes. For
be the cardinality of
. Now there
is a bijection between the classes of codes, which are a direct sum of
-codes and the orbits of the symmetric group
on the set of all mappings from
into a set of
where the action of
is given by:
By PÓLYAs theorem [12] one has to compute the cycle index
and each variable must be substituted by
. Doing
this for all possible values of
we get
Using the computer algebra system SYMMETRICA, among many other ones the tables of numbers of indecomposable codes which are shown below were computed.