These considerations lead to various combinatorial numbers
so that a few
remarks concerning these are in order. For example, is the set
of surjective mappings
which are constant on the
cyclic factors of
. Hence this set can be identified with
the set
More generally we consider the set
and define the numbers
These are called the Stirling numbers
of the second
kind . If
is used as row index and
as column index, then the upper
left hand corner of the table of Stirling numbers of the second kind is as
There is a program for computing the stirling second numbers.
By definition
is equal
to the number of ordered set partitions
i.e. into
nonempty subsets
This is clear since each such ordered partition
can be identified with
. Thus
is the number of set partitions
of the set
blocks, and
, the number of all the set partitions of
the equation
These numbers are called Bell numbers .
There is a program for
computing the Bell numbers.
Another consequence
of the definition of Stirling numbers of the second kind and
which implies:
Stirling's Formula
and any natural number
we have:
Another series of combinatorial numbers shows up if we rewrite in
the following form:
We put
and call these the signless
Stirling numbers of the first kind.
They satisfy the following recursion formula, since in
the point
either forms a 1-cycle or does not:
while the initial values are .
Lemma For
we have
, for
The upper left hand corner of a table containing
these numbers , for
, is as follows
There is a program for computing the stirling first numbers.
We now return to the number . The exercise
together with the identity
Another series of combinatorial numbers arises when we count certain injective
symmetry classes,
since implies
where .
It is easy to derive these numbers from the rencontre numbers
, since obviously the following is true:
This can be made more explicit by an application of exercise
which yields
There is a program for computing the recontre numbers and their generalization.
Now we use that, for , so that by the last three equations:
It is in fact an important and interesting task of enumeration theory to derive identities in this way since they are understood as soon as they are seen to describe a combinatorial situation. Another example is the identity
Lemma For natural numbers
the following
identities hold:
Proof: Exercise implies
that, for
is equal to the number of symmetry classes of on
, the elements of which satisfy
. Thus
the left hand side is
. But
the orbit of
is characterized by the orders
of the inverse images
. Hence the
number of these orbits is equal to the number of
, and
, therefore
the first identity follows from
. The last
equation is already clear
E .
Use the Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion in order to prove
E .
Show that the number of
such that
is equal to
E .
Prove that the Stirling numbers of the second kind satisfy the equation