Before we generalize this method of complementation we should recall .
It shows that each action of the form
can be considered as an action of
as an action of
. Hence each such action of
gives rise to an action of
and leads us to the discussion of the Involution
We call a group element
an involution
if and only if
. The Involution Principle is a method of counting objects by simply
defining a nice involution
on a suitably chosen set
and using
the fact that
has orbits of length 1 (the
selfenantiomeric orbits) and of length 2 (which form the enantiomeric pairs)
only. A typical example is the complementation
of graphs
which is, for
, an involution on the set of graphs on
vertices. An even easier case
is described in
Examples We wish to
prove that the number of divisors
is odd if and only if
is a square. In order to do
this we consider the set
these divisors and define
This mapping
is an involution, if , and obviously
is odd if and only if
has a fixed point, i.e. if and only if
there exists a divisor
such that
, or,
in other words, if and only if
A less trivial example is the following proof (due to D. Zagier) of the fact that every prime number which is congruent 1 modulo 4 can be expressed as a sum of two squares of positive natural numbers. Consider the set
The following map is an involution on (exercise
This involution has exactly one fixed point, namely , if
must be odd, and consequently the involution
possesses a fixed point, too, which shows that , a sum of two
E .
Check the details of the second example in