The points which form the first row need not be written in their natural order, e.g.
Keeping this in mind, we call a permutation a cyclic
permutation or a cycle if and only if it can be written
in the form
where .
In order to emphasize
we also call it an r-cycle .
We note that in this case the orbits of the subgroup generated by
this permutation are the following
subsets of
We therefore abbreviate
this cycle by
where the points which are cyclically permuted are put together in
round brackets. For example
. Commas which seperate the points may be omitted if no confusion
can arise (e.g if
), and 1-cycles can be left out if it is clear
is meant. Hence we can write
for the
-cycle introduced above. This cycle
can also be expressed in
terms of
. Using all these
abbreviations and denoting by
the identity element,
we obtain for example
There are the elements of the
symmetric group
in cycle notation.
The notation for a cyclic permutation is not uniquely determined, since
2-cycles are called transpositions .
The order
of a cycle
, i.e. the order of the cyclic group
generated by this cycle, is equal to its length
Two cycles and
are called disjoint ,
if the two sets
of points which are not fixed by
are disjoint sets.
Notice that, for example,
are disjoint cycles.
Disjoint cycles
commute, i.e.
(We read compositions of mappings from right to left, so that
.) Each permutation of a
finite set can be
written as a product of pairwise different disjoint cycles, e.g.
There are some more examples for the cycle decomposition of a permutation.
The disjoint cyclic factors of
uniquely determined by
and therefore we call these factors together
with the
fixed point
cycles of
the cyclic factors
denote the number of these cyclic factors of
(including 1-cycles), let
be their lengths,
(recall that
choose, for each
an element
of the
-th cyclic
factor. Then
This notation becomes uniquely determined if we choose the so
If this holds, then is called the (standard) cycle notation
. We note in passing that the sets
of points which
are cyclically permuted by
are just the orbits of the cyclic group