Dr. Michael Kiermaier
Lehrstuhl Mathematik II
Universität Bayreuth
95447 Bayreuth
email: mNicOhael.kiermSaier@uPni-Abayreuth.dMe (remove the six capital letters NOSPAM)
room number: 3.2.O2.736 (building NW II)
phone: +49 (0) 921/55-3382
fax: +49 (0) 921/55-3385
public GPG key.
author profiles on MathSciNet, Zentralblatt Math and DBLP.
Mathematics Genealogy Project ID 169204.
ORCID 0000-0002-5901-4381.
Together with Sascha Kurz and Alfred Wassermann, I'm organizing the conference ALCOMA 20 (International conference on Algebraic Combinatorics and Applications), 2020-3-29–2020-4-4 in Kloster Banz, Lichtenfels, Germany.
For further information please visit the ALCOMA 20 homepage.
UPDATE: The conference has been canceled due to COVID-19.
Classification of maximal arcs in small projective Hjelmslev Geometries.
(with Thomas Honold)
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory 2006, pages 112–117, 2006.
arXiv: 1503.02937
New arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes over Galois Rings.
(with Axel Kohnert)
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics 2007, pages 112–119, 2007.
arXiv: 1503.02932
Double and bordered α-circulant codes over finite commutative chain rings.
(with Alfred Wassermann)
In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory 2008, pages 144–150, 2008.
pdf-file on conference homepage
arXiv: 1503.02939
On the minimum Lee distance of quadratic residue codes over ℤ4.
(with Alfred Wassermann)
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pages 2617–2619, 2008.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ISIT.2008.4595465
ERef Bayreuth: 3901
New complete 2-arcs in the uniform projective Hjelmslev planes over chain rings of order 25.
(with Matthias Koch)
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics 2009, pages 106–113, 2009.
pdf-file on conference homepage
arXiv: 1503.02941
- Maximal integral point sets in affine planes over finite fields
(with Sascha Kurz)
Discrete Mathematics 309, 13 (2009-7-6), 4564–4575.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.disc.2009.02.020
arXiv: 1401.2825, 0804.1285
Mathematical Reviews: MR2519195
Zentralblatt Math: 1184.51009 (reviewed by Hubert Kiechle (Hamburg))
ERef Bayreuth: 3281
New binary singly even self-dual codes
(with Masaaki Harada, Alfred Wassermann and Radinka Yorgova)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56, 4 (2010-4), 1612–1617.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TIT.2010.2040967
Mathematical Reviews: MR2648796
Zentralblatt Math: 1366.94743
ERef Bayreuth: 3736
New arcs of maximal size in projective Hjelmslev planes of order 9
(with Thomas Honold and Ivan Landjev)
Comptes rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences 63, 2 (2010), 171–180.
Journal link (pdf available)
Mathematical Reviews: MR2656196
Zentralblatt Math: 1224.05503 (reviewed by Plamen Koshlukov (Campinas))
ERef Bayreuth: 3735
A new series of ℤ4-linear codes of high minimum Lee distance derived from the Kerdock codes
(with Johannes Zwanzger)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, ISBN 9789633113707, pages 929–932, 2010.
ERef Bayreuth: 3902
New ring-linear codes from geometric dualization
(with Johannes Zwanzger)
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, pages 111–120, 2011.
online version (pdf available)
ERef Bayreuth: 3903
- A ℤ4-linear code of high minimum Lee distance derived from a hyperoval
(with Johannes Zwanzger)
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 5, 2 (2011-5, special issue ALCOMA'10), 275–286.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3934/amc.2011.5.275
Mathematical Reviews: MR2801593 (reviewed by Giorgio Faina)
Zentralblatt Math: 1252.94120
ERef Bayreuth: 3734
2-arcs of maximal size in the affine and the projective Hjelmslev plane over ℤ25
(with Matthias Koch and Sascha Kurz)
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 5, 2 (2011-5, special issue ALCOMA'10), 287–301.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3934/amc.2011.5.287
arXiv: 1401.4340
Mathematical Reviews: MR2801594 (reviewed by Giorgio Faina)
Zentralblatt Math: 1228.51006
ERef Bayreuth: 3421
- The maximal size of 6- and 7-arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes over chain rings of order 9
(with Thomas Honold)
Science China. Mathematics 55, 1 (2012-1), 73–92.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s11425-011-4296-4
Mathematical Reviews: MR2873804 (reviewed by Andrea Blunck)
Zentralblatt Math: 1239.51003
ERef Bayreuth: 3733
- Properties of codes with two homogeneous weights
(with Eimear Byrne and Alison Sneyd)
Finite Fields and Their Applications 18, 4 (2012-7), 711–727.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.ffa.2012.01.002
arXiv: 1101.4844
Mathematical Reviews: MR2928466
Zentralblatt Math: 1245.05135
ERef Bayreuth: 3731
- Minimum weights and weight enumerators of ℤ4-linear quadratic residue codes
(with Alfred Wassermann)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58, 7 (2012-7), 4870–4883.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TIT.2012.2191389
Mathematical Reviews: MR2949857
Zentralblatt Math: 1365.94518
ERef Bayreuth: 3730
- Designs in projective Hjelmslev spaces
(with Ivan Landjev)
In Theory and Applications of Finite Fields: The 10th International Conference on Finite Fields and Their Applications, July 11–15, 2011, Ghent, Belgium, pages 111–121. Edited by Michel Lavrauw, Gary L. Mullen, Svetla Nikova, Daniel Panario and Leo Storme. Contemporary Mathematics 579. American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, 2012. ISBN 978-0-8218-5298-9
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1090/conm/579/11524
Mathematical Reviews: MR2975737 (reviewed by Andrea Blunck)
Zentralblatt Math: 1281.51004
ERef Bayreuth: 3728
- New ring-linear codes from dualization in projective Hjelmslev geometries
(with Johannes Zwanzger)
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 66, 1–3 (2013-1, special issue on Coding and Cryptography), 39–55.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s10623-012-9650-1
Mathematical Reviews: MR3016555 (reviewed by Edgar Martínez-Moro)
Zentralblatt Math: 1280.94110
ERef Bayreuth: 3727
- Codes from translation schemes on Galois rings of characteristic 4
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 40 (2013-5-15, Combinatorics 2012), pages 175–180.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.endm.2013.05.032
ERef Bayreuth: 3725
- There is no self-dual ℤ4-linear code whose Gray image has the parameters (72,236,16)
IEEE Transactions of Information Theory 59, 6 (2013-6), 3384–3386.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TIT.2013.2246816
Mathematical Reviews: MR3061253
Zentralblatt Math: 1364.94613
ERef Bayreuth: 3717
- The existence of maximal (q2,2)-arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes over chain rings of length 2 and odd prime characteristic
(with Thomas Honold)
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 68, 1–3 (2013-7, special issue: Finite Geometries), 105–126.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s10623-012-9653-y
Mathematical Reviews: MR3046340 (reviewed by Joanne Lesley Hall)
Zentralblatt Math: 1264.05023
ERef Bayreuth: 3716
- On the automorphism group of the binary q-analog of the Fano plane
(with Michael Braun and Anamari Nakić)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. (University of Groningen, July 7–11, 2014), 2014, pp. 1402–1405, ISBN 978-90-367-6321-9.
pdf-file on conference homepage
ERef Bayreuth: 32157
- Higher-order CIS codes
(with Claude Carlet, Finley Freibert, Sylvain Guilley, Jon Lark Kim and Patric Solé)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60, 9 (2014-9), 5283–5295.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TIT.2014.2332468
arXiv: 1406.4547
Mathematical Reviews: MR3252390
Zentralblatt Math: 1360.94362
ERef Bayreuth: 3644
- Derived and residual subspace designs
(with Reinhard Laue)
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 9, 1 (2015-2), 105–115.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3934/amc.2015.9.105
arXiv: 1405.5432
Mathematical Reviews: MR3317589 (reviewed by Jianguo Lei)
Zentralblatt Math: 1314.51002
ERef Bayreuth: 7585
- Optimal binary subspace codes of length 6, constant dimension 3 and minimum subspace distance 4
(with Thomas Honold and Sascha Kurz)
In Topics in Finite Fields: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications (Fq11) held in Magdeburg, July 22–26, 2013, pages 157–176. Edited by Gohar Kyureghyan, Gary L. Mullen and Alexander Pott. Contemporary Mathematics 632. American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, 2015. ISBN 978-0-8218-9860-4
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1090/conm/632/12627
arXiv: 1311.0464
Mathematical Reviews: MR3329980 (reviewed by Jonathan I. Hall)
Zentralblatt Math: 1355.94094
ERef Bayreuth: 7922
- Intersection numbers for subspace designs
(with Mario Osvin Pavčević)
Journal of Combinatorial Designs 23, 11 (2015-11), 463–480.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1002/jcd.21403
arXiv: 1405.6110
Mathematical Reviews: MR3403762
Zentralblatt Math: 1331.05049
ERef Bayreuth: 32032
- On the automorphism group of a binary q-analog of the Fano plane
(with Michael Braun and Anamari Nakić)
European Journal of Combinatorics 51 (2016-1), 443–457.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.ejc.2015.07.014
arXiv: 1501.07790
Mathematical Reviews: MR3398870 (reviewed by Jennifer D. Key)
Zentralblatt Math: 1321.05017
ERef Bayreuth: 32031
- Tables of subspace codes
(with Daniel Heinlein, Sascha Kurz and Alfred Wassermann)
technical report, 2016-1.
arXiv: 1601.02864
- The automorphism group of an extremal [120, 60, 24] code does not contain elements of order 29
(with Javier de la Cruz and Alfred Wassermann)
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 78, 3 (2016-3), 693–702.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s10623-014-0025-7
Mathematical Reviews: 3459219 (reviewed by José María Ancochea Bermúdez)
Zentralblatt Math: 1333.94064
ERef Bayreuth: 32030
- On putative q-analogues of the Fano plane and related combinatorial structures
(with Thomas Honold)
In Dynamical Systems, Number Theory and Applications. A Festschrift in Honor of Armin Leutbecher’s 80th Birthday, edited by T. Hagen, F. Rupp and J. Scheurle. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, Mar. 2016, pages 141–175. ISBN: 978-981-4699-86-0.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1142/9789814699877_0008
arXiv: 1504.06688
Mathematical Reviews: MR3444245 (reviewed by Metod Saniga)
Zentralblatt Math: 1357.51004 (reviewed by Hans-Peter Schröcker (Innsbruck))
ERef Bayreuth: 32156
- Constructions and bounds for mixed-dimension subspace codes
(with Thomas Honold and Sascha Kurz)
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 10, 3 (2016-8, special issue on ALCOMA'15), 649–682
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3934/amc.2016033
arXiv: 1512.06660
Mathematical Reviews: MR3543542
Zentralblatt Math: 06637568
ERef Bayreuth: 34825
- Algebraic structures of MRD Codes
(with Javier de la Cruz, Alfred Wassermann and Wolfgang Willems)
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 10, 3 (2016-8, Special issue on ALCOMA'15), 499–510
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3934/amc.2016021
arXiv: 1502.02711
Mathematical Reviews: MR3543530 (reviewed by K. T. Phelps)
Zentralblatt Math: 1348.94102
ERef Bayreuth: 34623
- New upper bounds on binary linear codes and a ℤ4-code with a better-than-linear Gray image
(with Alfred Wassermann and Johannes Zwanzger)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 62, 12 (2016-12), 6768–6771
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TIT.2016.2612654
arXiv: 1503.03394
Mathematical Reviews: MR3578230 (reviewed by K. T. Phelps)
Zentralblatt Math: 1359.94707
ERef Bayreuth: 36947
- Large sets of subspace designs
(with Michael Braun, Axel Kohnert and Reinhard Laue)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 147 (2017-4), 155–185
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.jcta.2016.11.004
arXiv: 1411.7181
Mathematical Reviews: MR3589893 (reviewed by Anamari Nakić)
Zentralblatt Math: 1352.05042
ERef Bayreuth: 36946
- Projective divisible binary codes
(with Daniel Heinlein, Thomas Honold, Sascha Kurz and Alfred Wassermann)
In Proceedings of The Tenth International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography 2017, September 18-22, 2017, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2017
pdf-file on conference homepage
arXiv: 1703.08291
ERef Bayreuth: 40887
- The order of the automorphism group of a binary q-analog of the Fano plane is at most two
(with Sascha Kurz and Alfred Wassermann)
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86, 2 (2018-2, special issue on Network Coding and Designs), 239–250
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s10623-017-0360-6
arXiv: 1605.03853
Mathematical Reviews: MR3756140 (reviewed by Anamari Nakić)
Zentralblatt Math: 1394.51002 (reviewed by Leo Storme (Gent))
ERef Bayreuth: 42175
- A new series of large sets of subspace designs over the binary field
(with Reinhard Laue and Alfred Wassermann)
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86, 2 (2018-2, special issue on Network Coding and Designs), 251–268
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s10623-017-0349-1
arXiv: 1603.06976
Mathematical Reviews: MR3756141 (reviewed by W. M. Kantor)
Zentralblatt Math: 1379.05018
ERef Bayreuth: 44593
- Partial spreads and vector space partitions
(with Thomas Honold and Sascha Kurz)
In Network Coding and Subspace Designs, pages 131–170. Edited by Marcus Greferath, Mario Osvin Pavčević, Natalia Silberstein and María Ángeles Vázquez-Castro. Signals and Communication Theory, Springer, Cham, 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-70292-6
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/978-3-319-70293-3_7
arXiv: 1611.06328
Mathematical Reviews: MR3586132 (reviewed by Jonathan I. Hall)
ERef Bayreuth: 42176
- q-analogs of designs: Subspace designs
(with Michael Braun and Alfred Wassermann)
In Network Coding and Subspace Designs, pages 171–211. Edited by Marcus Greferath, Mario Osvin Pavčević, Natalia Silberstein and María Ángeles Vázquez-Castro. Signals and Communication Theory, Springer, Cham, 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-70292-6
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/978-3-319-70293-3_8
Mathematical Reviews: MR3586133 (reviewed by Anamari Nakić)
ERef Bayreuth: 44594
- Computational methods in subspace designs
(with Michael Braun and Alfred Wassermann)
In Network Coding and Subspace Designs, pages 213–244. Edited by Marcus Greferath, Mario Osvin Pavčević, Natalia Silberstein and María Ángeles Vázquez-Castro. Signals and Communication Theory, Springer, Cham, 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-70292-6
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/978-3-319-70293-3_9
Mathematical Reviews: MR3586134
ERef Bayreuth: 44595
- Generalized vector space partitions
(with Daniel Heinlein, Thomas Honold and Sascha Kurz)
The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 73, 1 (2019), 162–178
Journal link (open access)
arXiv: 1803.10180
Mathematical Reviews: MR3884516 (reviewed by Anamari Nakić)
Zentralblatt Math: 1411.05023
ERef Bayreuth: 46411
- New 2-designs over finite fields from derived and residual designs
(with Michael Braun and Reinhard Laue)
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 13, 1 (2019-2), 165–170
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3934/amc.2019010
Mathematical Reviews: MR3917654 (reviewed by Alessandro Siciliano)
Zentralblatt Math: 1415.05021
ERef Bayreuth: 46749
- Classifying optimal binary subspace codes of length 8, constant dimension 4 and minimum distance 6
(with Daniel Heinlein, Thomas Honold, Sascha Kurz and Alfred Wassermann)
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 87, 2–3 (2019-3, special issue: Coding and Cryptography), 375–391
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s10623-018-0544-8
arXiv: 1711.06624
Mathematical Reviews: MR3911211 (reviewed by Luca Giuzzi)
Zentralblatt Math: 1409.51010
ERef Bayreuth: 46984
- Classification of large partial plane spreads in PG(6,2) and related combinatorial objects
(with Thomas Honold and Sascha Kurz)
Journal of Geometry 110, 1 (2019-4), Art. 5, 31pp.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s00022-018-0459-6
arXiv: 1606.07655
Mathematical Reviews: MR3891806 (reviewed by Svetlana Todorova Topalova)
Zentralblatt Math: 1407.05042
ERef Bayreuth: 46673
- A subspace code of size 333 in the setting of a binary q-analog of the Fano plane
(with Daniel Heinlein, Sascha Kurz and Alfred Wassermann)
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 13, 3 (2019-8), 393–404
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3934/amc.2019029
arXiv: 1708.06224
Mathematical Reviews: MR3959340 (reviewed by Luca Giuzzi)
Zentralblatt Math: 07076474 (reviewed by Nathan Kaplan (Irvine))
ERef Bayreuth: 48693
- Johnson type bounds for mixed dimension subspace codes
(with Thomas Honold and Sascha Kurz)
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 26, 3 (2019), Paper #P3.39, 21 pp.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.37236/8188
arXiv: 1808.03580
Mathematical Reviews: 4014609 (reviewed by Jonathan I. Hall)
Zentralblatt Math: 07104363
ERef Bayreuth: 52236
- q-analogs of group divisible designs
(with Marco Buratti, Sascha Kurz, Anamari Nakić and Alfred Wassermann)
In Combinatorics and Finite Fields: Difference Sets, Polynomials, Pseudorandomness and Applications, pages 21–38. Edited by Kai-Uwe Schmidt and Arne Winterhof. Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics 23. De Gruyter, 2019. ISBN 978-3-11-064179-0
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1515/9783110642094-002
arXiv: 1804.11172
Mathematical Reviews: 4359968
Zentralblatt Math: 1448.51005 (reviewed by Gloria Rinaldi (Reggio Emilia))
- The lengths of projective triply-even binary codes
(with Thomas Honold, Sascha Kurz and Alfred Wassermann)
IEEE Transactions of Information Theory 66, 5 (2020-5), 2713–2716
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TIT.2019.2940967
arXiv preprint: 1812.05957
Mathematical Reviews: 4089746
Zentralblatt Math: 1448.94262
- On the lengths of divisible codes
(with Sascha Kurz)
IEEE Transactions of Information Theory 66, 7 (2020-7), 4051–4060
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TIT.2020.2968832
arXiv: 1707.00650
Mathematical Reviews: 4130606 (reviewed by Pankaj Kumar Das)
Zentralblatt Math: 1446.94181
- Three-weight codes over rings and strongly walk regular graphs
(with Sascha Kurz, Minjia Shi and Patric Solé)
Graphs and Combinatorics 38, 3 (2022-6), Paper #56, 23 pp.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s00373-021-02430-6
arXiv: 1912.03892
EPub Bayreuth: 4552
Mathematical Reviews: 4393981 (reviewed by Marcus Greferath)
Zentralblatt Math: 1493.94055 (reviewed by Sami Omar (Sukhair))
- On α-points of q-analogs of the Fano plane
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 90, 6 (2022-6), 1335–1345
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s10623-022-01033-3
arXiv: 2105.00365
Mathematical Reviews: 4434152 (reviewed by Svetlana Todorova Topalova)
Zentralblatt Math: 1490.05025
- Linear codes associated with the Desarguesian ovoids in Q⁺(7,q)
(with Tao Feng, Peixian Lin and Kai-Uwe Schmidt)
arXiv: 2208.12919
- On strongly walk regular graphs, triple sum sets and their codes
(with Sascha Kurz, Patric Solé, Michael Stoll and Alfred Wassermann)
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 91, 2 (2023-02), 645–675
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s10623-022-01118-z
arXiv: 2012.06160
Mathematical Reviews: 4546833 (reviewed by Stefka Bouyuklieva)
Zentralblatt Math: 1511.05242
- On the minimum number of minimal codewords
(with Romar dela Cruz, Sascha Kurz and Alfred Wassermann)
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 17, 2 (2023-04), 331–341
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3934/amc.2020130
arXiv: 1912.09804
Mathematical Reviews: 4541319 (reviewed by Juan Tena)
Zentralblatt Math: 1521.94071
- Classification of Δ-divisible linear codes spanned by codewords of weight Δ
(with Sascha Kurz)
IEEE Transactions of Information Theory 69, 6 (2023-06), 3544–3551
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TIT.2023.3239582
arXiv: 2011.05872
Mathematical Reviews: 4604454 (reviewed by Shitao Li)
Zentralblatt Math: 1542.94187
- Higher incidence matrices and tactical decomposition matrices
(with Alfred Wassermann)
Glasnik Matematicki 58, 2 (2023-12), 181–200
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3336/gm.58.2.03
Journal link (pdf preview)
arXiv: 2303.11014
Mathematical Reviews: 4680849 (reviewed by Luc Teirlinck)
Zentralblatt Math: 1531.05025
- Designs in finite classical polar spaces
(with Kai-Uwe Schmidt and Alfred Wassermann)
to appear in Designs, Codes and Cryptography.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s10623-024-01491-x
arXiv: 2403.11188
- The degree of functions in the Johnson and q-Johnson schemes
(with Jonathan Mannaert and Alfred Wassermann)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 212 (2025-05), 105979
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.jcta.2024.105979
arXiv: 2405.07572
Mathematical Reviews: 4833086 (review pending)
- New results on arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes over small chain rings
(with Thomas Honold and Ivan Landjev)
arXiv: 2409.02099
Talks (selection)
- The degree of functions in the Johnson and q-Johnson schemes
Combinatorial Constructions Conference (CCC), Center for Advanced Academic Studies, Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, April 8–12, 2024.
invited talk, 2024-04-08.
Slides, Conference homepage
- The degree of functions in the Johnson and q-Johnson schemes
DMV meeting 2023, Ilmenau, Germany, September 25–28, 2023.
mini-symposium MS02 "Combinatorial aspects of finite fields", 2023-09-25.
Slides, Conference homepage
- On linear codes associated with the Desarguesian ovoids in Q⁺(7,q)
Finite Geometries (Irsee 6), Kloster Irsee, Germany, August 29–September 2, 2022.
contributed talk, 2022-08-30.
Slides, Conference homepage
- Subspace codes and q-analogs of designs
Universität Bayreuth, intermediate evaluation of the habilitation process, 2022-01-19.
- All binary MRD codes up to size 4×4
SIAM conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry (AG21, held online), Aug 16–20, 2021.
mini-symposium "Rank-Metric and Subspace Codes: Part II of IV", 2021-08-16.
Slides, Conference homepage
- On α-points of q-analogs of the Fano plane
Combinatorial Designs and Codes (CDC 2020, held online), Satellite event of the 8th European Congress of Mathematics, University of Rijeka, Croatia, July 12–16, 2021.
contributed talk, 2021-07-15.
Slides, Conference homepage
- On divisible linear codes
28th British Combinatorial Conference (BCC 2021, held online), Durham University, Great Britain, July 5–9, 2021.
invited talk in the mini-symposium "Codes and Cryptography", 2021-07-08.
Slides, Conference homepage
- Derived designs of q-Fano planes and q-analogs of group divisible designs
Academy Contact Forum: Coding Theory and Cryptography VIII, The royal Flemish academy of Belgium for science and arts, Brussels, Belgium, September 27, 2019.
invited talk, 2019-09-27.
Slides, Conference homepage
- On the lengths of divisible codes
Oberwolfach Workshop 1912: Contemporary Coding Theory, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, March 18–22, 2019.
contributed talk, 2019-03-21.
Slides, Conference homepage
- On the lengths of divisible codes
Kolloquium über Kombinatorik (Colloquium on Combinatorics, KolKom), Paderborn University, Germany, November 23–24, 2018.
contributed talk, 2018-11-24.
Slides, Conference homepage
- On q-analogs of the Fano plane
Network Coding and Designs, Centre for Advanced Academic Studies, Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 4–8, 2016.
invited talk, 2016-04-04.
Slides, Conference homepage
- Recursive construction of subspace designs
Algebraic combinatorics and applications (ALCOMA15), Conference in memory of Axel Kohnert, Kloster Banz, Germany, March 15–20, 2015.
contributed talk, 2015-03-20.
Slides, Conference homepage
- New subspace designs from large set recursion
Combinatorics 2014, Hotel Serapo, Gaeta, Italy, June 1–6, 2014.
contributed talk, 2014-06-05.
Slides, Conference homepage
- Intersection numbers for q-analogs of designs
Conference on random network codes and designs over GF(q), Department of Mathematics of Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, September 18–20, 2013.
contributed talk, 2013-09-18.
Slides, Conference homepage
- On the maximum number of planes in PG(𝔽26) whose pairwise intersection is at most a point
The 11th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications (Fq11), Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany, July 22–26, 2013.
contributed talk, 2013-07-23.
Slides, Conference homepage
- New ring-linear codes of high minimum distance
Trends in Coding Theory, Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 28–November 2, 2012.
contributed talk, 2012-11-01.
Slides, Conference homepage
- Codes from translation schemes on Galois rings of characteristic 4
Combinatorics 2012, Centro Congressi Hotel Giò, Perugia, Italy, September 9–15, 2012.
contributed talk, 2012-09-11.
Slides, Conference homepage
- Double and bordered α-circulant self-dual codes over finite commutative chain rings
Eleventh International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory (ACCT 2008), Hotel Finlandia, Pamporovo, Bulgaria, June 16–22, 2008.
contributed talk.
Slides, Conference homepage
Geometrische Konstruktionen linearer Codes über Galois-Ringen der Charakteristik 4 von hoher homogener Minimaldistanz
The following image shows the projective Hjelmslev plane over the integers modulo 4.
The black circles indicate a maximal (7,2)-arc, which is unique up to geometric isomorphism.
Its Gray image generates the expurgated Nordstrom-Robinson code, a nonlinear binary [14,6,6]-code which has better minimum distance than any linear binary [14,6]-code.
In this preprint we classified the (6,4;3)2 constant dimension subspace codes of maximum possible size.
It turned out that the maximum size is 77, and that there are 5 isomorphism classes of those codes:
- #Aut = 168, self-dual, list of subspaces
- #Aut = 48, self-dual, list of subspaces
- #Aut = 2, self-dual, list of subspaces
- #Aut = 2, dual code of 5, list of subspaces
- #Aut = 2, dual code of 4, list of subspaces