Michael Stoll
Michael Dettweiler
Mathematisches Institut
Universität Bayreuth
95440 Bayreuth, Germany

Oberseminar Arithmetische Geometrie

Preliminary Schedule SS 2011

    Friday, 12:15-14:00   in S80
  13. 5. 2011 Zhiyi Tang: Mixed Tate motives and framings
  20. 5. 2011 Tzanko Matev: Chabauty's method
  27. 5. 2011 Michael Schulte: Galois representations and middle convolution
  3. 6. 2011 No seminar
  10. 6. 2011 Michael Stoll: Rational points on some curve of genus 12
  17. 6. 2011 No seminar (Prof. Stoll away)
  23. 6. 2011 No seminar (Prof. Stoll away)
  1. 7. 2011 No seminar
  8. 7. 2011 No seminar (Tag der Mathematik)
  15. 7. 2011 Bas Edixhoven (Leiden): Relative Manin-Mumford in the semi-abelian case
Daniel Bertrand recently found an example of a groupscheme J over a complex curve S and a section P with the following properties. The fibres of J over S are extension of an elliptic curve by the multiplicative group: J is semi-abelian, of toric rank one. The union of the n.P(S), over n in the integers, is dense in J. There exists an infinite set of s in S such that P(s) is torsion. I will present this example from the point of view of generalised jacobians. And I will show, still following Bertrand, why this counter-example to the naive version of the relative semi-abelian Manin-Mumford conjecture is actually an example of Richard Pink's common generalisation of the conjectures of Andre-Oort, Manin-Mumford, and Mordell-Lang.  arXiv
  22. 7. 2011 Moshe Jarden: Diamonds in torsion of abelian varieties
We consider the following conjecture:
Conjecture: Let K be a Hilbertian field, A/K an abelian variety, and M a field extension of K in K(Ator). Then M is Hilbertian.
We shall explain the basic principles of the proof of the conjecture when K is finitely generated over its prime field.
  29. 7. 2011 TBA
Schedule WS 2010/11
Michael Stoll,  July 21, 2011