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YX(h,g),I:= {f ÎYX(h,g) | " nÎI:f-1[Yn] = Æ}.Then, by the Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion, we obtain for the desired number of surjective fixed points of (h,g) the following expression:
| YXs,(h,g) | = | YX*(h,g) | = åI Íc( bar (h))(-1) | I | | YX(h,g),I |
= åI Íc( bar (h))(-1)c ( bar (h))- | I | | YX(h,g), c( bar (h)) \I | .Now we recall that
YX(h,g), c( bar (h)) \I= {f ÎYX(h,g) | " n not ÎI:f-1[Yn]= Æ}.This set can be identified with [~Y] X( [~h] ,g), where [~h] denotes the product of the cyclic factors of bar (h) the numbers of which lie in I, and where [~Y] is the set of points contained in these cyclic factors. Thus
| YX(h,g), c( bar (h)) \I | = | [~Y] X( [~h] ,g) | = Õj | [~Y] [~h] j | aj( bar (g)).We can make this more explicit by an application of lemma which yields:
| [~Y] [~h] j | =a1( [~h] j)= åd | jd ·ad( [~h] ).Putting these things together we conclude
Corollary: The number of surjective fixed points of (h,g) isAn application of the Cauchy-Frobenius Lemma finally yields the desired numbers of surjective symmetry classes:| YXs,(h,g) | = åc( bar (h))k=1(-1)c( bar ( h))-k åa Õ | Y | i=1[ai( bar (h)) choose ai] Õj=1 | X | ( åd | jd ·ad )aj( bar (g)),where the middle sum is taken over all the sequences a=(a1, ...,a | Y | ) of natural numbers aj such that åaj =k (they correspond to all possible choices of [~h] out of h, where ai of the chosen cyclic factors of [~h] are i-cycles). Hence the numbers of surjective fixed points of g and of h amount to:| YXs,g | = åk=1 | Y | (-1) | Y | -k [ | Y | choose k]kc( bar (g)),and| YXs,h | = åk=1c( bar (h))(-1)c( bar (h))-k åa( Õi [ai( bar (h)) choose ai])a1 | X | ,where the sum is taken over all the sequences (a1, ...,a | Y | ), ai Î N and åai=k.
Theorem: The number | (H ´G) \\YXs | of surjective H ´G-classes isTry to compute the number of surjective symmetry classes for various group actions.(1)/( | H | | G | ) å(h,g) åk=1c( bar (h))(-1)c( bar (h))-k åa Õi=1 | Y | [ai( bar (h)) choose ai] Õj=1 | X | ( åd | jd ·ad )aj( bar (g)),where the inner sum is taken over the sequences a=(a1, ...a | Y | ) described in the corollary above. This implies, by restriction, the equations| G \\YXs | =(1)/( | G | ) åg åk=1 | Y | (-1) | Y | -k[ | Y | choose k]kc( bar (g)),and| H \\YXs | =(1)/( | H | ) åh åk=1c( bar (h))(-1)c( bar (h))-k åa( Õi[ai( bar (h)) choose ai])a1 | X | ,where the last sum is to be taken over all the sequences a=(a1, ...,a | Y | ) such that ai Î N and åai=k.
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