Finite symmetric groupsThe Exchange LemmaExercises


E: Prove the lemma from above.
E: Show that, for each m,n ÎN* and pÎSn , the permutations p and pm are conjugate, if and only if m and each length of a cyclic factor of p are relatively prime.
E: Prove that the invertibility of the matrix
( gcd (i,k))i,k În
is equivalent to the following fact: Two elements p, rÎSn are equivalent if and only if, for each m ÎN*, the number of cyclic factors of pm and of rm are equal:
c( pm)=c( rm).
(Later on we shall return to this and give a proof of the regularity of ( gcd (i,k)). We shall in fact show that the determinant of this matrix is f(1) ...f(n).)
E: Check the details in the equation.
E: Prove the Lemma.
E: Check corollary.,
last changed: August 28, 2001

Finite symmetric groupsThe Exchange LemmaExercises