How to build a PERMUTATIONobject Permutations How to change a PERMUTATIONobject

How to change a PERMUTATIONobject

The first routine and also the corresponding macro changes the kind: Here is a concrete example program:
You see that the data part of the object remains unchanged, but is now interpreted as a permutation in cycle notation. If you enter, for example, the permutation (in list notation, which is the default) [3,5,4,1,2], then the second println will output (3,5,4)(1,2).
harald.fripertinger "at", May 26, 2011

How to build a PERMUTATIONobject Permutations Uni-Graz Mathematik How to change a PERMUTATIONobject Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!