The example files The installation First steps in a DOS environment The documentation files

The documentation files

After installation the experienced reader may try to start working with SYMMETRICA by opening a file test.c file (if it is not already there) in order to see how he can use this program system, and by considering from time to time examples ex*.c together with the documentation files. The documentation is contained in the files that end with .doc, and they contain short descriptions of the available functions. It will be best to start reading
where some of the general principles are described which are concerned with object oriented programming in SYMMETRICA and also with the changes made in SYMMETRICA recently. The next important documentation files are the ones devoted to the objects used,
most of this documentation is also contained in the present manual, in particular the chapter on objects is of importance. There it is described how an object is defined and how it can be used. The available objects like INTEGER, PARTITION, PERMUTATION, VECTOR, MATRIX, POLYNOM, and so on, are introduced. A shorter but possibly more complete description is contained in the documentation files
integer.doc, part.doc, perm.doc, vector.doc, matrix.doc, poly.doc,\ldots
where also the appropriate functions are mentioned.

There are further documentations files which are devoted to functions that can be applied to several kinds of objects, and which therefore are of particular importance. They are listed in

nu.doc, io.doc, debug.doc,\ldots
(abbreviations for ''numerical, input-output, debugging``) The file
contains a list of all available functions.
harald.fripertinger "at", May 26, 2011

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