Vectors The Objects The empty object Integers


The object type INTEGER is the basic one of SYMMETRICA . Let us first consider the following program that serves for the generation of an INTEGERobject:
#include "def.h"
#include "macro.h"
INT b = 5L;
OP a;
a = callocobject();
Here is a short explanation: SYMMETRICA uses the type INT for integervalues, INT is an integer, which is always four bytes long. It is in most cases of the type long of C. Therefore you have to write 5L, say, in order to specify a 4-byte integer. This is a problem of C and not of SYMMETRICA . In the above program you have, after entering a=callocobject(), an empty object a, which becomes an INTEGERobject with value 5 by the command m_i_i(b,a). Then the object is printed to the terminal, using the standard routine println(). We are now going to describe this basic routine to some detail, others will follow.
harald.fripertinger "at", May 26, 2011

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