Actions of the form GX Orbit-construction in SYMMETRICA Special routines for wreath products Some further generators

Some further generators

Given a permutation g, a group isomorphic to the centralizer of g can be computed by  

INT gen_centralizer_permutation(a,b)   OP a,b;
Since we do not compute the centralizer of g, but a group isomorphic to this centralizer, we input the cycle type of g (as a PARTITION of type EXPONENT) as a. b becomes a system of generators of a group isomorphic to the centralizer of g, computed by a formula from [11].

The generators of a group isomorphic to the stabilizer of a partition can be computed by  

INT gen_stabilizer_partition(a,b)   OP a,b;
a is a PARTITION object of type EXPONENT. b is the computed system of generators.

Using the routine  

INT gen_young_partition(a,b)  OP a,b;
you can compute a VECTOR of generators of Young groups. To a given PARTITION a (of type EXPONENT or VECTOR) generators of the corresponding Young group are computed in b.

There are some further routines which read certain systems of generators from data files. In order to work with these files you must have the corresponding data files in a subdirectory of the working directory called "data".


INT gen_M24(a)   OP a;
reads a system of generators of the Mathieu group M24 from the file m24.gen.

In the same way generators of fullerenes can be handled in SYMMETRICA.

harald.fripertinger "at", May 26, 2011

Actions of the form GX Orbit-construction in SYMMETRICA Special routines for wreath products Uni-Graz Mathematik Some further generators Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!