Derivations of higher orderKnown results and open problemsFunctional equations and group actions

Functional equations and group actions

Investigating the apparent motion of the so-called "mean sun" one is lead to the functional equation
M(l,j)·x(s+m)= M(l+m,j)·x(s),
where x(s) is a unit vector in R3 and M(l,j) is a matrix representing the local coordinate system in a point P on the earth's surface, which represents the directions to the east, the north and to the zenith.

This equation can be solved quite easily (cf. [41]). But if one assumes that also M is unknown and if one considers a more general setting, one is lead to the equation

g(s)·x(t+u)= g(s+t)·x(u),
where now ·: G´X -> X is a group action of some group G on a set X (and g as well as x are unknown). The special case X=Rn, G=GLn(R) would be of particular interest. It should be mentioned that with respect to this topic there are close connections to earlier projects P12642 - MAT and P10189 - MAT.,
last changed: February 9, 2001

Derivations of higher orderKnown results and open problemsFunctional equations and group actions