

A. Betten, H. Fripertinger, A. Kerber, A. Wassermann, and K.-H. Zimmermann. Codierungstheorie -- Konstruktion und Anwendung Linearer Codes. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1998. ISBN 3-540-64502-0.
R.E. Bixby. A strengthened form of tutte's characterization of regular matroids. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B, 20:216-221, 1976.
H. Fripertinger and P. Schöpf. Endofunctions of given cycle-type. To appear in The Annales des Sciences Mathematiques du Quebec.
H. Fripertinger. Classification of motives: a mathematical approach. To be published in Musikometrika, 1999.
H. Fripertinger. Enumeration and construction in music theory. In H.G. Feichtinger and M. Dörfler, editors, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Music, Vienna, Austria, December 2-4, 1999., pages 179 - 204,, 1999. Österreichische Computergesellschaft.
H. Fripertinger. Enumeration of Mosaics. Discrete Mathematics, 199:49-60, 1999.
H. Fripertinger. Random generation of linear codes. Aequationes Mathematicae, 58:192-202, 1999.
J. Schwaiger and H. Fripertinger. Some applications of functional equations in astronomy. To be published.
M. Wild. Enumeration of binary and ternary matroids and other applications of the Brylawski-Lucas-Theorem. Preprint 1693, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, November 1994.
M. Wild. Consequences of the Brylawski-Lucas-Theorem for Binary Matroids. Europ. J. Combinatorics, 17:309-316, 1996.

Graz, January 19, 2000.,
last changed: January 23, 2001
