The 3-dimensional Cycle Index of the Leapfrog of a Polyhedron

Harald Fripertinger1

November 18, 1996


Relations between the 3-dimensional cycle index of the point group of a trivalent polyhedron or of a deltahedron on the one hand and of its leapfrog on the other hand are described.

The Leapfrog transformation is a method first invented for the construction of a fullerene C3n from a parent Cn having the same as or even a bigger symmetry group than Cn. It was introduced by P.W. Fowler in his papers [2]FowlerSteer87. (Molecules in the form of 3-connected polyhedral cages with exactly 12 pentagonal and all the other hexagonal faces solely built from carbon atoms are called fullerenes. Fullerenes Cn can be constructed for n=20 and for all even n≥ 24. They have n vertices (i.e. C-atoms), 3n/2 edges and (n-20)/2 hexagonal faces. The most important member of the family of the fullerenes is C60.)

In general the leapfrog transformation can be defined for any polyhedron P as capping all the faces of P and switching to the dual of the result. The leapfrog L(P) is always a trivalent polyhedron having 2eP vertices, vP+fP faces and 3eP edges, where vP, fP and eP are the numbers of vertices, faces and edges of the parent P. When starting from a trivalent parent, the leapfrog has always 3vP vertices.

In [6] it is described how the symmetry group of a fullerene Cn (especially for n=20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 70, 80 and 140) acts on its sets of vertices, faces and edges. Then general techniques from the theory of enumeration under finite group actions [7] are applied for determining the number of isomers of these molecules, or in other words for counting all the essentially different colourings of Cn. (Two colourings are called essentially different if they lie in different orbits of the symmetry group of Cn acting on the set of all colourings of Cn.) Especially a 3-dimensional cycle index for the simultaneous action of the symmetry group on the sets of vertices, edges and faces of Cn is presented.

Whenever a group G is acting on sets X1,..., Xn then G acts in a natural way on the disjoint union

X:= n

The n-dimensional cycle index which uses for each set Xi a separate family of indeterminates xi,1,xi,2,... is given by
Zn(G,X1∪ ...∪ Xn) := .. 1


g∈ G
.. n

(.. |Xi|

where (ai,1(g),...,ai,|Xi|(g)) is the cycle type of the permutation corresponding to g and to the action of g on Xi. (I.e. the induced permutation on Xi decomposes into ai,j disjoint cycles of length j for j=1,...,|Xi|.) For the action on the sets of vertices, edges and faces we usually denote the indeterminates by vi, ei and fi. Using the n-dimensional cycle index it is possible to determine the number of essentially different simultaneous colourings of X1∪ ...∪ Xn as described in [6].

For instance the 3-dimensional cycle index for the action of the octahedral group Oh acting on the cube is given by

Z3(Oh,cube)=.. 1

( v18e112f16 + 8v12v32e34f32 + 6v24e12e25f23 + 3v24e26f12f22 + 6v42e43f12f4+ 6v14v22e12e25f12f22 + v24e26f23 + 3v24e14e24f14f2 + 8v2v6e62f6 + 6v42e43f2f4). ..

These cycle indices are the basic tools for applying Pólya-theory [8] to the isomer count. It was already mentioned in [6] that the cycle types for the action on the set of faces of the leapfrog can easily be obtained from the 3-dimensional cycle index of the action on the parent. But for the actions on the sets of vertices and edges of the leapfrog we did not give satisfying methods.

Using the notation of spherical shell techniques the permutation representations for the actions on the sets of vertices, edges or faces of a polyhedron correspond to the so called σ representations. In [3][4] it is shown how the σ representations Γσ(v,L), Γσ(e,L) and Γσ(f,L) for the actions on the components of the leapfrog L=L(P) of an arbitrary polyhedron P are related to the σ representations Γσ(v,P), Γσ(e,P) and Γσ(f,P) corresponding to the parent:

  Γσ(f,L)=Γσ(v,P)+Γσ(f,P) ..
Γσ(v,L)=Γσ(e,P)+Γσ(f,P)+ Γσ(v,P) × Γε-(Γ0ε) ..
  Γσ(e,L)=Γσ(f,L) × ΓT -(ΓTR) ..
where Γ0 is the totally symmetric representation with character χ0(g)=1 for all g. The character of the antisymmetric representation Γε is +1 for all proper rotations and -1 for all improper rotations. ΓT (or Γxyz) is the translational representation, which is the representation of a set of cartesian unit vectors at the origin, and ΓRT × Γε is the rotational representation.

These formulae can be rewritten in order to get the permutation characters for all g in the symmetry group G of P by

  χf,L(g)=χv,P(g)+χf,P(g) ..
  χv,L(g)=χe,P(g)+χf,P(g)+χv,P(g) χε(g)-(1+ χε(g)) ..
  χe,L(g)=χf,L(g)χT(g)-(χT(g)+χR(g)) ..
So far the permutation characters for the action on the components of the leapfrog are expressed in the permutation characters for the action on the components of the parent and in χε and χT. Since usually the cycle indices both of the group of all symmetries and of the subgroup of all rotational symmetries of the parent are known we can assume that the antisymmetric character is known. Only for applying formula (*) we furthermore have to compute the translational character. In some cases however all the necessary information for computing χT is given by the 3-dimensional cycle index for the action on the parent P.

For instance if P is a trivalent polyhedron (see [1]), then

  Γσ(e,P)=Γσ(f,P) × ΓT -(ΓTR). ..
Combining (*) and (*) formula (*) can be written as
Γσ(e,L)=(Γσ(v,P)+Γσ(f,P)) × ΓT -(ΓTR) =Γσ(v,P) × ΓTσ(e,P)...
From [1] we deduce that
Γσ(v,P) × ΓT = Γ || (e,P) + Γσ(e,P) ..
Γ || (e,P)=(Γσ(f,P)-Γ0) × Γε+ (Γσ(v,P)-Γ0), ..
where Γ ||  is the parallel representation. So finally (*) can be replaced by
Γσ(e,L)=(Γσ(f,P)-Γ0) × Γε +(Γσ(v,P)-Γ0) +Γσ(e,P)+Γσ(e,P) ..
and the permutation character χe,L(g) can be computed as
  χe,L(g)=2χe,P(g)+(χf,P(g)-1) χε(g)+ (χv,P(g)-1). ..

If P is a deltahedron, which is the dual of a trivalent polyhedron, then (*) can be replaced by

χe,L(g)=2χe,P(g)+(χv,P(g)-1) χε(g)+ (χf,P(g)-1). ..

Using standard methods [7] the cycle type of g∈ G can be computed from the permutation character of g and vice versa by


d | k
μ(k/d)a1(gd)        a1(gk)=..

d | k
ad(g), ..
where μ is the classical Möbius function.

Given a trivalent polyhedron or a deltahedron P with symmetry group G and subgroup H of rotational symmetries. Then the 3-dimensional cycle indices for the actions of G and H on the leapfrog L(P) can be computed from the 3-dimensional cycle indices for the actions on the parent P as described above. It is worth to mention once more that no further group characters must be computed. In other words the 3-dimensional cycle indices for the action on the parent provide all the necessary information.

For example the cycle index for the leapfrog of the cube can be computed as:

Z3(Oh,L)=.. 1

( v124e136f114 + 8v38e312f12f34 + 6v212e12e217f27 + 3v212e218f12f26 + 6v46e49f12f43+ 6v212e12e217f16f24 + v212e218f27 + 3v18v28e112e212f14f25 + 8v64e66f2f62 + 6v46e49f2f43). ..

In order to give another example we realize that C60 is the leapfrog of C20. They both are of icosahedral symmetry Ih, the subgroup of all proper rotations will be denoted by I. In [6] the following 3-dimensional cycle indices for the actions on the components of C20 can be found.

Z3(I,C20)=.. 1

( v120e130f112 + 20v12v36e310f34 + 15v210e12e214f26 + 24v54e56f12f52) ..
Z3(Ih,C20)= .. 1

Z3(I,C20) + .. 1

( v210e215f26 + 20v2v63e65f62 + 15v14v28e14e213f14f24 + 24v102e103f2f10)...
Applying (*), (*), (*) and (*) we compute:
Z3(I,C60)=.. 1

( v160e190f132+ 20 v320e330f12f310+ 15 v230e12e244f216+ 24 v512e518f12f56 ) ..
Z3(Ih,C60)= .. 1

Z3(I,C60) + .. 1

( v230e245f216+ 20 v610e615f2f65+ 15 v14v228e18e241 f18f212+ 24 v106e109f2f103 ). ..
Iterating the leapfrog method once more we derive the 3-dimensional cycle index of C180 as
Z3(I,C180)=.. 1

( v1180e1270f192+ 20 v360e390f12f330+ 15 v290e12e2134f246+ 24 v536e554f12f518 ) ..
Z3(Ih,C180)= .. 1

Z3(I,C180) + .. 1

( v290e2135f246+ 20 v630e645f2f615+ 15 v112v284e112e2129 f112f240+ 24 v1018e1027f2f109 ). ..

In order to compute the number of essentially different colourings of C3n it is necessary to compute the 3-dimensional cycle index for the action on C3n and apply the methods described in [6]. Only for the determination of the number of different colourings of the faces of C3n with k colours the 3-dimensional cycle index of Cn will do the job in the following way. Replace all the indeterminates in this cycle index corresponding to the actions on the sets of vertices and faces of Cn by k and all the indeterminates corresponding to the action on the set of edges by 1, then the expansion of this cycle index gives the number of different colourings of the faces of C3n. For example the number of essentially different simultaneous colourings of C20 with 2 colours for the vertices, 1 colour for the edges and 2 colours for the faces is computed as

Z3(C20,Ih, vi=2, ei=1, fi=2)=35 931 952,..
which is the number of different colourings of the faces of C60 with 2 colours (cf. [6]). It should be mentioned that this number is not the product of the numbers of different colourings of the vertices and faces of C20 with 2 colours. (These two numbers are given as 9 436 and 82 respectively.)

Acknowledgement: The author wants to express his thanks to Prof. A. Kerber and Prof. P. Fowler for their support and guidance during the preparation of this article.

harald.fripertinger "at", May 10, 2016

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